

发布时间: 2024-05-13 03:31:59北京青年报社官方账号





"Fifteen years ago, when people were getting tattoos, moms would say, 'I want to get a tattoo, but I'm afraid that when my kids grow up, they'll see my tattoo and think that's weird,'" says Zhuo. "But right now, not so much. Sometimes they bring their kids to the shop and say, 'wait for me!'"


"From female workers at textile factories to workers at oil fields, each of them have dedicated their strength in the building of the great nation today," she said, adding that it reminds the audience of the hard work and contributions of ordinary people.


"Fighting against pollution will be a key in securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in 2018. New energy will not only contribute as a new growth driver of the economy, but, more importantly, to reduce pollution," he told the premier.


"For example," said She Guiqing, the court's vice-president, "the identities of lawyers and litigants must be verified through a facial recognition system, and evidence online is protected by blockchain technology to prevent it from being falsified." He said that the process of a lawsuit will be seen via the court's e-platform, which will reduce traffic costs to litigants and make judicial work more transparent.


"For a period of time in America, Chinese medicine seemed relegated to the past -- particularly in contrast to the high-tech advances made in biomedicine during the 20th century. But it is fortunate that much has been preserved and brought forward, as Chinese medicine is relevant today in our evolving understanding of the human body, medical sensibilities, and the nature of health and healing," said Donna Mah, a faculty member of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York.


